Inviting you to Church

Initially, it was the article’s title, “What People Are Really Thinking When They Invite you to Church”, in the Huffington Post, that caught my curiosity. However, Angela Jamene’s description of her own experience on how she felt when she was the recipient of such invitations, and how she views them now that grabbed my attention.

Jamene describes those invitations as undesirable and annoying. She says: “That's what I used to think. But I don't anymore. Just over two years ago, I picked up a free bible, I had read it before but, this time, almost instantly, in a wave of emotions and realizations and revelations and a wide variety of indescribable sensations, I became a Christian.”

She goes on to say that Christians invite others to go to church because they want others the experience and have the same they do, because they love and because they care.

I applaud Angela Jamene’s simplicity in sharing her beliefs and I’m fascinated by some reader’s strong reaction to what she said, so much for freedom of speech. The truth is she shared her faith in the public arena. She did with wisdon and kindness. In doing so she invited anyone who read her article to go to church, at the time I read it there were 340 people were discussing the article with 855 comments. Well done Angela.


Unknown said…
Thank you so much for your kind words.
I have received some negative attention but I was exactly like those people until I was shown the truth, I was blind too and am so very grateful that I now see. I was so touched by the courage and generosity shown by so many Christians commenting on the fear and negativity to clarify, console, and even attempt to comfort people they have never met. Exemplary of the Christian family, at large.
God bless you and keep you,
Angela Jamene

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