Connectors and Connections

In the best seller book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell describes the importance of connectors to the social interaction and changes of everyday life. Connectors are naturally a person who knows lots of people, they are the social networkers who know to whom you need to talk if you want something or want something done.

One of the roles of a connector in a community is to introduce people to each other. Just think about someone who knows people across cultural, social, professional, and economic circles and are happy to be the link that connects them. Now think about Jesus, isn’t he the ultimate connector? Didn’t he come to connect people from every nation, culture, and language to the Father? And if we are his disciples isn’t our call a call to be connectors?

This week at the University of the Nations I realize how the place is a hub of connection and connectivity. Strategically the Hawaii is located half way between North America and Asia. The crash between those two totally different cultures created a unique blend of cultural mixt. I have made new connections and reconnected with people we have not seen in decades.

We reconnected even with people we did not know we know. A lady stopped me on my way to and said that she knew Carla and I when we on the Mercy Ships Anastasis in Mexico. She said that our family impressed her. There is a whole new set of connections we are making and we love it. This is just how the Kingdom of God works.

Is there someone you need to connect today?


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