Merry Christmas!
Christmas lights are everywhere in East Texas. The yards of
the houses on my street are decorated with nativity sets, stars, shepherds,
sheep, and the wise men. I cannot forget about old Santa, Rudolf, and rain
deer. Across the street, lights in the shape of letters spell for all those
driving at night to see: “Happy Birthday Jesus!”
The pandemic brought a sense of humanity finitude that
creates a longing for the eternal. Longing for normalcy different from what we
had before. Longing for a sense of peace and security that transcends our
material understanding. And longing for any kind of stability. Nevertheless,
uncertainty seems to be the new normal. But, the writings of the prophet Isaiah
about the Messiah remind us that:
“Of the increase of his government and peace, there will be
no end.” (Isaiah 9:7)
The rule and reign of Christ bring peace and joy that never
ends. Before going to the Father, Jesus Christ made an affirmation to us, his
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God: trust
also in me (the Messiah)”. (John 14:1)
May God’s government and peace fill your home with joy, your
heart with love, and your life with contentment and laughter. Wishing you and
your family a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you in 2021.
Merry Christmas!