Simplicity and Predictability

If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you know that I like to write about my day to day experiences. Last Sunday was one of those memorable moments for its simplicity and predictability; simplicity because life was plain and simple. And predictable because things happened just the way it was supposed to happen.

I experience a typical Spanish hospitality after the church service. The pastor and his wife took us to lunch in his house. Lunch was served at an extension on the back of the house. Two large tables were set for us, about 14 people. Food was plenty and delicious, but most remarkable was the fellowship around the table.

Everyone was talking to everyone and time to time the conversation changed to Korean, Dutch, English or Spanish. Time suddenly stopped and we became engulfed on the conversations. We laughed and enjoyed the communion with each other. The atmosphere was as relaxed as a siesta can be.

I wander if this was what the disciple experienced at the presence of the Lord when they had meals together. In reality, God’s presence was in our midst, but we were unaware of it. The moment was too simple and predictable for us to realize that probably God was smiling at the sight of his children enjoying life around the table.


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