On the Road Again

After a long flight from Texas, I arrived in Accra, Ghana last Sunday. The last time I was in Ghana was 2006 on the Anastasis. I stayed at Faithful and Mary Biney in Tema. The Biney’s were one of the first friends Carla and I made when we joined Mercy Ships in 1983. Monday morning I had meetings at the Regional Maritime University in Accra. It is nice to see Ghana experiencing a time of stability and progress, new buildings and roads coming up everywhere. Most West African crew of the Africa Mercy come to Ghana to received maritime training. Wednesday I flew to Lome, Togo.

The Africa Mercy arrived in Togo for a five months field service in February. In June, she leaves to the Canary Islands for the annual dry-dock. Last night I went with the Jesus Film to the fishing village of Catanga. It is fascinating to see how people are drawn to what the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The children are the first to come and the last to leave.

Today, Saturday, is a day off onboard. I went to the craft market in the morning, in the afternoon worked on a report of the visit to the Regional Maritime University in Ghana on Monday, and watched an English football game while my clothes were on the washer. Tomorrow I will go to the Fishing Villa church.


Anonymous said…
God bless You Andre your family!
With love

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