Lesson Number Two – Continue To Be Patient

The Free Town airport is located one side of the mount of a river and the Africa Mercy is docked in the port of Aberdeen in the other side. Normally it would take 15 minutes by shuttle and 50 minutes across the river by the water taxi. Well, we waited half hours for the shuttle. At the dock, the water taxi was too small for all of us, so a group went first and we waited for its return. We waited and waited.

By now you already guessed what lesson number two is? Continue to be patient. After three hours another water taxi arrived, but had engine troubles. We waited for another taxi who took us to another dock where we switch to a smaller water taxi arriving on board around 11PM. However, the hospitality person was waiting for us with a nice meal, my cabin was nice and cold and I could take a warm shower. Therefore, it pays to be patient.

Patience is a virtue that we exercised when things do not work according to our desires. James urges us, “Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord’s coming”.


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