Jesus Film

For years Mercy Ships crew has utilized the Jesus film to support local pastors to plant new churches. It is not different here in Togo. Twice a week the Jesus film team goes to different villages to bring the message of Christ in the local language.
Friday evening I went with the team to a village where Campus Crusade is planting a new church. Before we left we where advised by the Ships’ Captain that there were a huge traffic jam outside the port if in one hour we could not go through we were to return to the ship.
So we prayed for God to clear the way for us. Indeed the road was totally blocked. We could not go forward or return. But someone signed for us to detour through the other lane as no car were coming and we crossed to the road we need to take. It took us only fifteen minutes to get on our way.
When, one and a half hours lather, we arrived at our destination there was a crowd of about 200 people waiting for us. By the time the film was concluded 300 people had gathered to watch the Jesus film in their own language Ewe.


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