Sunday Veritas: When the Intercession of Heaven and Earth Becomes Tangible

The King was exasperated; the battle against his enemies was going nowhere. His generals’ surprise attacks encountered an enemy prepared and not surprised at all. There was a leak somewhere, it was impossible for their enemies to know every move they planned without an infiltrator telling them. Furious he summed his offices demanding the source of the leak and who was the mole.

One of his officers explained that there was no leak, there was no mole and his plans were perfectly good. The problem was a prophet on the enemy camp with spiritual powers who knew their very moves and advised them to be ready for the attacks. To solve the quandary the king ordered his army to take care of the source of his frustrations, eliminate the prophet.  

At this point of the story in II Kings 6:8-23, we have one of those moments when the intercession of heaven and earth are tangible. The prophet Elisha had a servant who took care of his daily needs. Early one morning he saw this great army surrounding the entire city and could not believe what his eyes was seeing. In panic he woke up his master.

Elisha saw the situation from both, a physical perspective; the enemy’s army was real and had just one mission, take him down, and also saw a spiritual dynamic not seem by his servant. He prayed for his servant eyes to be open to see what he was seeing, they were surrounded by an army that was sent to protect them. But that was not a conventional army, the horses and chariots were of fire.

There is a spiritual reality that you need to be aware of, but if you are not aware of it, God has his prophets to remind you and to open your eyes to see it. Paul in his letter to the Ephesians says that our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers.

The truth is there is a fight, both physical and spiritual, going on around you. The intercession of heaven and earth becomes tangible when God opens your eyes to see the spiritual helm and how it linked to the physical reality. What situation you faces today that needs your eyes to be open? Listen to God's prophets around you.


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