The Desires of your Heart
I’m impressed by the words of King David in Psalm 37, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your hearth.” David’s statement is conditional, one needs to delight. Delight being a condition of contentment pleasure and enjoyment, a tough assignment. The point here is not one being capable to fulfill the condition, but of God being able and willing to give what we desire.
I was faced by God’s willingness to give the desire of my heart in our recent trip to Brazil. One of the many wishes on my heart for this trip was to have a “churrasco”, Brazilian barbecue. South Brazil, our first stop, is known as the birth place of the “churrasco”. We stayed there over two week, but we had no chance to eat a churrasco. On our trip from South to Rio I confided to Carla that I was disappointed.
In Rio I called my friend Dalmo who invited us for lunch Saturday afternoon. As we got together he asked me: What do I liked to do, I said that I didn’t had anything in mind. He then said: I’m thinking of a churrasco! So God gave me the desire of my heart.
I was faced by God’s willingness to give the desire of my heart in our recent trip to Brazil. One of the many wishes on my heart for this trip was to have a “churrasco”, Brazilian barbecue. South Brazil, our first stop, is known as the birth place of the “churrasco”. We stayed there over two week, but we had no chance to eat a churrasco. On our trip from South to Rio I confided to Carla that I was disappointed.
In Rio I called my friend Dalmo who invited us for lunch Saturday afternoon. As we got together he asked me: What do I liked to do, I said that I didn’t had anything in mind. He then said: I’m thinking of a churrasco! So God gave me the desire of my heart.