Sunday Veritas: The Dark Side of The Intercession of Heaven and Earth
The Anastasis sailed from Le Havre, France on the first venture of a Mercy Ships to West Africa. In 1990 Europe was experiencing the magnitudes of the fall of the Berlin wall and material support to our new venture in Africa was high. The cargo holds were full with medical supplies, construction material and other goods. The crew in expectation counted the days when they would help people in one of the neediest places in the world. The cool European air soon began to give place to warmer breezes as the vessel sailed south. Built in 1953, the Anastasis carried the design of the old cruise liners who were projected for smooth sailing. With the engines at full steam she moved forward, her bow piercing the Atlantic waters as a plow pierces the ground in preparation for a new planting season. Structurally she was built to last forever, but after almost forty years of service it was necessary five crew members on the engine room to operate her when she was sailing; one engineer, one Jr. En...