Sunday Veritas: The Intercession of Heaven and Earth

In one of those nights when is almost impossible to distinguish where the water ends and the sky began the M/V Serra Verde sailed quiet the south Atlantic. The gentle sculling of the ship in a perfect admiral sea contrasted only to the steady ramming of the engines. I step out of my cabin only to be confronted by a spectacular full moon that brightened anything from east to west.

The gently row of the ship gave the impression that the stars were in motion. Struck by the convergence of sea, sky, moon and stars, the universe in perfect harmony demanding me to join the symphony; I got my guitar and played as the soloist of this startling orchestra. I sang, sang and sang as I experienced the heavens declaring the glory of God.

I felt an overwhelming feeling, it was His presence, and I have no doubt, I was in the intercession of heaven and earth like Jacob at
Bethel. A mix of joy and fear came upon me and I did not dare to move my eyes to look afraid to see the presence of the Lord.

His presence is sublime; in one hand there is this awesome sense of a profound peace, joy and purity, but in the other hand a realization of one's own finiteness. This explains why the prophet Isaiah said of his encouter at the temple: "Woe to me!
"I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty".

The presence, glory, of the Lord makes us see what He is and brings us to the realization of what we are without Him, but each one of us needs an encounter at the intercession of heaven and earth.


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