Sunday Veritas: Acceptance Guaranteed

You may remember a Just for Man TV advertising. A bearded guy approach some ladies who turns their back when they see his grey beard and the two commentators says: “Rejected.” Then the same guy uses the Just for Man product and is accepted by the ladies. The creators of this advertising touch the very human need of acceptance. No one likes to be rejected, we desire and strive to be accepted. However, life is full of rejection moments.

The Kingdom of God has a no-rejection policy, acceptance is guaranteed. Jesus says that “whoever comes to me I will never drive away” (John 6:37). Acceptance is not based on what one does, nor something one ware, or even a magic gel. We are accepted based on Christ’s righteousness. Like the father of the prodigal son, God has his arms stretched out to receive us when we come to Jesus.

Actually, it is God who drives people to his way. In the same text of John 6, Jesus says: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sends me draws them.” The Prophet Isaiah says that we are like sheep running astray, and King David points out that the Lord is our shepherd who guides us to the living water who is Jesus. Just go to Him your acceptance is guaranteed.


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