Mokuaikaua Church

From time to time God in his infinity wisdom seems to open spiritual windows to give mortal man a glimpse of what He is doing. Most of the time we don’t have a clue of what is going on around us, like Elisha’s servant who needed his master to pray for his eyes to be open for him to see what was happening in the spiritual helm. Paul Baloche’s song “Open the eyes of my heart Lord, I want to see you”, says it all. We need Divine help to see beyond the physical limitations of this material world. Last Sunday was one of those memorable moments that will be cherished for a long time.

As I shared two posts before, connecting was a hallmark in this trip to Hawaii. One of those connections, or re-connection, was with David de Carvalho the pastor, Kahu, of Mokuaikaua Church of Kailua-Kona, the first Christian church established in Hawaii. Like me, David grew up in Rio de Janeiro and both are fruit of the same youth revival called Clubes Biblico. This youth movement produced pastors, missionaries and church leaders who are ministering around the world today.

David was a speaker of the Counseling School at the University of the Nations at the same time I was working with the Grassroots News International. It didn’t take long for us to connect, to go out for a cup of coffee and desert, and the next day to have lunch together, people from Rio are masters in finding ways to enjoy and spend time with each other. It was an unforgettable time of remembering where we came from and sharing how the Lord has brought us this far. 

The wood of the Mokuaikaua Church building was brought from the high mountains of the Island, soaked on the sea to protect it against termites and was put together without the use of nails, just like Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. The exterior walls are built with stones plentiful in the island.

Sunday morning was beautiful Hawaiian morning. The sanctuary that holds about five hundred people was full. Pastor David brought a message, a message that came straight from the heart of one who hears the voice of God. He intertwined the three point message with experiences from our youth when God touched our lives through the ministry of the Clubes Biblico in Rio de Janeiro. As he recalled what God did then he pointed forward to the things God is doing today and what we should expect Him do in the future.

The tenderness of the moment touched everyone present. Several times he could not contain a tear or two, the same happened with us because God was there, loving us, comforting us, encouraging us. We wanted to stay there like Peter when Moses an Elijah appeared to Jesus in the mountain. God did it again; He opened a window in heaven and let us see with the eyes of our hearts.


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