New Year’s Resolution

Maybe you are already wandering about the New Year’s resolution you made for 2013. Or you are looking for ways to keep them alive beyond the end of January when 36% ceases to exist. Less than 50% are still alive by July. 

Resolutions are goals you make to yourself. They range from spending more time with the family, saving money, or spending less of it, to loosing weight. The problem with resolutions is that they have a tendency to be are broad and generally lack specifics which overwhelms. Less and specific goals have a better chance to succeed beyond.

In the other hand resolutions are motivators who have the power to bring movement to life’s inertias that time to time creeps to one’s existence. The prospective of a New Year, brings a synergy that motivates to action. The commitment you make to change is powerful because it pushes you to a different reality.

Through the prophet Isaiah, God tell us: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up: do you perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19 NIV).  A new year is a God given opportunity for new things. Our job is to seize this opportunity by following his directions, “the way in the wilderness”, and taking his provision “streams in the wasteland”. Be encouraged in keeping New Year’s resolutions for 2013. God is doing a new thing.


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