Education the Last Frontier in Missions (2)
Continuing in the subject of education being the last
frontier in missions it is imperative to note the importance of obedience in
the Gospel. The Apostle Paul urges Christians in Rome to take every thought
captive to the obedience of Christ, and to the Philippians he encourages them
to follow the example of Jesus whose obedience to the Father lead to death in
the cross.
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he focused
first on the person of the Father. Jesus told them to acknowledge the Father’s
holiness, second to ask for his Kingdom to come, and third to ask for God’s
will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Then he focused on our needs: Give
us our daily bread, forgive our debts as we forgive others debt, and guard us
from temptation and deliver us from evil.
In the first part of his teaching on prayer, Jesus linked
the coming of the Kingdom with God’s will on earth the same way it is in
heaven. The word will here mean wish,
desire, intentions, and command which convey the Kingdom of God as the place
where God’s will is obeyed. Whenever Jesus commands is obeyed, God’s will is
done on earth as it is in heaven.
Obedience is an action, an act of compliance to an order.
This is exemplified when the Roman captain approached Jesus with a request for
the healing of his servant. To him Jesus did not need to go to his house to
touch the sick man. He believed that Jesus could command and his servant would
be healed, because he was also a man with authority and whatever he commanded,
his command was obeyed.
A question to ponder as I conclude: Have you obeyed Jesus command
today? Have you taught someone to obey Jesus commands today? In doing so, God’s
will is done on earth as it is in heaven and His Kingdom is coming. That is the
last frontier in mission, education, teaching them to obey.