Deserving Poor

Unsure of what to expect, new crew sign up the Mercy Ministries opportunity book, to be part of the team that visits Lazare’s Orphanage, every Thursday and Saturday mornings. Among the 27 children at Lazare’s Orphanage many with special needs, age ranging from infants to age 13. In the Bible orphans along with widows are considered deserving poor. James states that true religion accepted by God id to “look after orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:26-27).

For some visiting with the children is equally important for them and for the children. They come to give, but end up receiving more than they bargained for. The expression it is better to give than to receive becomes real to them. So they give their presence, their time, and their affection. They spend their time teaching Bible stories, crafts and songs, or just snuggle with the children.


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