Sunday Morning

Sunday morning Ananda, Montez and I drove to a church in the hills of Free Town here in Sierra Leone. The rain was coming down with intensity only seem in the days of Noah, so I thought. It rained every day since I arrived here last week. I wish the rain were in Texas, which is in a drought. Ananda asked me to preach, but in the morning I told him that I felt that I was not supposed to preach and Montez, who is from Liberia was going to bring the main message and I was to give a testimony.

Pastor Nathaniel was waiting in the main road at the bottom of the hill. From there we drove the land rover through a narrow road up the hill with the rain continuously. We parked the car when we could go no more and walked the rest of the way to the small house where the church meets.

The rain did not stop the people that arrived and took their sit on the wooden bench at the main room. A door led to a side room where the drums were located. By the time, the service started there were more than 40 people in the house temple. Few meters down the hill, a new building is being built to accommodate the church.

I gave a testimony and Montez brought the main message. He told this remarkable story of a preacher who was teaching the people of his village in Liberia about God. The story involved a turtle and several animals of the forest. As he narrated tale the chronicle absorbed men, women and children. In seminary, we learn the importance of contextualizing the message. However, what I witnessed was beyond contextualization, it was incarnation, the word of God became alive, as the Apostle John says; the word became flesh and dwelt among us.

Montez is a refrigeration technician on the Africa Mercy and has become the Jesus Film coordinator. Since February, the Film Jesus was shown 41 times here in Sierra Leone to 12,000 people and 3,000 people came forward know more about Jesus.


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