Praxis: reflection and action upon the world in order to transform it.

Inspired on the great Brazilian educator Paulo Freire’s "Praxis: reflection and action" I am taken few moments on the outset of 2010 to reflect on the year soon to be over. Post-Modern life is characterized by many actions (multi-tasking), but very little time for reflection on what was done. I can honest say that my routine fits quite well in the Post-Modern habits. Nevertheless, I do take time to reflect, not as much as I want to.
On my year-end reflection two prominent focuses emerges: relationships and accomplished results. It is easy to begin with the later because many things was accomplished in my ministry with Mercy Ships: thousands of lives being transformed, the Jesus Film and birthday in Africa, ISO 9001 certification and the training provided to our staff and crew.
To reflect on relationships, which are hard to measure, we have to take in consideration the process, because relationships are not a task to be accomplished. Relationships are the result of the process of doing and accomplishing things with others. In doing what we do, do relationships are built and come up stronger or resulted in broken relationships?
No matter if the answer to this question is A, B, or all of the above, Freire’s contention lays on Praxis, reflection followed by action. It is a continuum where action is the result of reflection. This to say that as a result of my year-end reflection I will pay close attention to the process of what I do in order to build and strength the relationships with the people involved. I hope you will also take few moments to reflect on the year that is coming to the end, and the reflection will result in action.


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