On Monday, October 11, seventeen students began the Basic Safety Training – BST course here in Texas. Bellow are pictures of the Basic Fire Fighting (BFF).
One of the attributes of friendship is that it transcends time and space. Friends may be apart half way around the world, but the instant they get together it is like time and space never existed. This is not different with my friend Benoni and I. We became friends at seventeen and for a decade participate in the most memorable events of each other lives. This time in Rio we had the opportunity to catch up again.
Cheesmanburg is about 50 minute’s drive from the port of Monrovia where the Africa Mercy is docked. Five of us began the 26 kilometers journey short after diner; two Liberian pastors joined the group on the way, which made 7 people on the Land Rover plus the equipment to show the film Jesus. When Ananda Samaraweera told me he was going out with the film Jesus I immediately asked if I could come along. Ananda and I go way back when he joined the Good Samaritan as an engineer. He attended the Good Sam Discipleship Training School in Brazil and was baptized on the Amazon River . It was on the Good Sam that Ananda got involved with the film Jesus and the passion of sharing the message of Jesus’ life to others. When I woke up Saturday morning, I had no doubt we were in the raining season. It poured rain all day long, however late afternoon there was a break; the clouds were still there, and time to time letting down a sprinkle or two, but the heavy rain was gone. The ...
It was on the 8th grade, the third floor supervisor escorted us to the Vice-Principal’s office. The Vice-Principal had a reputation of being a strict disciplinarian. We trembled at his laud drill-sergeant voice. As we walked the long corridor and stairway to the second floor, my mind rushed ahead thinking on the consequences the three of us would suffer for being naughty during recess and what explanation I was going to come up with to explain the sure detention to my parents. We were not assiduous visitors at the Vice-Principal’s office, but had had our share of encounters with the floor supervisor. This time was it, we were doomed; there was no way we could get away. The Vice-Principal sat behind his desk looking not too happy to have to deal with not just one, but with three troublemakers. My legs were shaken and my knees began to hit each other, and my head moved up and down agreeing with the charges pressed against us. The Vice-Principal pause before the final verdict, but in a mo...