Cheesmanburg is about 50 minute’s drive from the
port of Monrovia where the
Africa Mercy is docked. Five of us began the 26 kilometers journey short after diner; two Liberian pastors joined the group on the way, which made 7 people on the Land Rover plus the equipment to show the film Jesus.
When Ananda Samaraweera told me he was going out with the film Jesus I immediately asked if I could come along. Ananda and I go way back when he joined the Good Samaritan as an engineer. He attended the Good Sam Discipleship Training School in Brazil and was baptized on the Amazon River. It was on the Good Sam that Ananda got involved with the film Jesus and the passion of sharing the message of Jesus’ life to others.
When I woke up Saturday morning, I had no doubt we were in the raining season. It poured rain all day long, however late afternoon there was a break; the clouds were still there, and time to time letting down a sprinkle or two, but the heavy rain was gone.
The Land Rovers handles well the road conditions
in Liberia. In the city limits pot roles dominate the scene; they get bold with the help of the heavy rains. The road between the city and the dirty road to Cheesmanburg has nice new asphalt. The last stretch of the trip was on a narrow dirt road with many craters like roles. Each time we passed one of them I wandered if we were going to be able to return.
We arrived at dusk and the Land Drover was quick transformed into a mobile theater. The projector, housed inside the vehicle, projected the film image into a scream hanging over the back of the vehicle; people could watch the film from both side of the scream, while the generator was set under the car provided the power to run the VCR and projector.
Ananda takes the Jesus film three evenings a week to villages surrounding Monrovia. Pr. Jumah Colli, the director of church planting with the Wesleyan Church coordinates the events. Hat evening 234 villagers watched the film Jesus in the Gola language, their own language. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations; and then shall the end come.” 
(Matthew 24:14)
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