Love Is Not Love Until It Is Demonstrated

We demonstrate that we truly value human life by acts of generosity, kindness, concern, and compassion to others, whether they are in needy or not. Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves because he knows that we are selfish by nature.

The parable of the Good Samaritan was told in response to a second question from a teacher of the law to Jesus. The first question was about what one could do to inherit eternal life? Which Jesus turned the question back to the questioner who answered his own question. Not satisfied with his own answer, the teacher of the law asked a second question, but this time he changed from what to whom. Who is my neighbor?

Through the Good Samaritan parable, Jesus taught that our neighbor is the one who needs mercy. For Jesus love is not love until it is demonstrated. When love is demonstrated, it creates a deep sense of gratitude in the one who received mercy.

This week I saw two old ladies who received cataract surgery on the Africa Mercy hospital. Fresh patches on their eyes, guide by a helper. They passed by me on their way to leave the ship. One of them said something to me that I did not understand, then she took my hand and said, thank you. She didn’t care who I was she just wanted to say thank you because mercy had been shown to her on a big white ship.


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