I Helped to Bring Sight to the Blind
I like to travel light: one carry-on and one suitcase with plenty space to bring things back if necessary. Coming to the Africa Mercy I was asked to bring a suitcase with supplies for the hospital. Soon after the bag was delivered to my office I was told that it would be replaced as there was an urgent need of supplies for the eyes surgeries. The bag was delivered to the hospital without any problem.
At breakfast the next morning I met Dr. Abram Wodome from Togo who was trained by the ship’s doctors on the cataract surgery techniques used by Mercy Ships. He told me that without the supplies I brought they could not perform the scheduled surgeries that day. It seems that I saved the day and helped to bring sight to the blind.
At breakfast the next morning I met Dr. Abram Wodome from Togo who was trained by the ship’s doctors on the cataract surgery techniques used by Mercy Ships. He told me that without the supplies I brought they could not perform the scheduled surgeries that day. It seems that I saved the day and helped to bring sight to the blind.