
Gone were the days when the Canary Islands were the main stop over for the Spanish galleons on their way to America. The Castilians began conquer the Canary Islands as early as 1402. During the conquering of America Tenerife became a stopping point for the Spanish conquerors, traders, and missionaries on their way to the new world; which brought great wealthy to the archipelago alongside the sugarcane plantations. Five hundred years later tourism represents 35 percent of the economy of the islands, but it still offers refuge for ships to and from South America, Africa and Asia. I first came to Tenerife as Cadet of the merchant ship M/V Serra Verde on her way back from Europe to Brazil. The first Mercy Ships, the Anastasis stopped in Tenerife, for water and fuel, on her way to the first field service in West Africa in 1990. In light of its rich history, an argument can be made that in his infinite wisdom, God gifted the Canaries Islands with the gift of hospitality. ...