Help From Above

In the March issue of the AmericanWay Magazine, Gerald J. Arpay, American Airlines CEO, in an editorial entitled “Help From Above” describes how America Airlines and its employs have responded to the Haitian earthquake. “Within hours of the quake, we flew multiples relief missions into Pot-au-Prince. And since then, we have continued to transport relief workers, critical supplies and evacuees.” He says.

Tragedies like the earthquake in Haiti, awakens peoples’ conscious to the misfortune of others. Horrific images shown on the TV, the internet and other means of communication confront to a reality beyond ones imagination. Awaken by this reality people want to know: How to give? How to help? How to donate?

Like many other organizations Mercy Ships is also helping in Haiti Jesus said that it is better to give than to receive. Each one of us should be a channel in providing “Help From Above”. May the Lord continue to awaken people to the needs of those who suffer?


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