Jesus Film
Cheesmanburg is about 50 minute’s drive from the port of Monrovia where the Africa Mercy is docked. Five of us began the 26 kilometers journey short after diner; two Liberian pastors joined the group on the way, which made 7 people on the Land Rover plus the equipment to show the film Jesus. When Ananda Samaraweera told me he was going out with the film Jesus I immediately asked if I could come along. Ananda and I go way back when he joined the Good Samaritan as an engineer. He attended the Good Sam Discipleship Training School in Brazil and was baptized on the Amazon River . It was on the Good Sam that Ananda got involved with the film Jesus and the passion of sharing the message of Jesus’ life to others. When I woke up Saturday morning, I had no doubt we were in the raining season. It poured rain all day long, however late afternoon there was a break; the clouds were still there, and time to time letting down a sprinkle or two, but the heavy rain was gone. The ...