Sunday Veritas: Creation Was Subjected to Frustration
The other day I was watching a documentary about the effect of progress to the environment. It seems that the big target was the big dams built in Asia, Africa and the Americas that in one side brings energy to power hungry consumers, but in the other hand causes unforeseen and unintended consequences to the environment. Writing to the Romans , the Apostle Paul says that creation is subjected to frustration under a management who does not understand the stewardship mandate. There is this cosmic expectation that the children of God, who understands and embraces God’s intentions, will care for nature. Paul goes on to say that the predicament nature is under is not by its own choice, but was imposed by men’s choice in the Garden of Eden. Adams’ choice not to trust God’s warning eating the fruit from the tree of good and evil, has consequences of cosmic proportion. First there was the separation from God, second the separation from man and third the impact on nature. For this reas...