
Showing posts from May, 2008

The mango had no flavor

Do you remember the post “Arrival in Liberia ” that I was given a mango? It looked so good and big that I took a picture; I put the mango on the refrigerator to cool down and took it to my friends Rodrigo and Tatiana’s cabin to share with them. Tatyana skillfully pilled the mango and cut in squares before serving it to us. Well, to make the story short, the mango had no flavor; it had been harvested without being fully ripe. It had the color, but not the taste; maybe, I set my expectations too high. Nevertheless, there ware other mangos that didn’t look as good, but taste just the way they are supposed to taste.

I was looking for coffee instead I found a chapel

The flight back from Liberia arrived in Dallas on time, but nobody was waiting for me. I called my friend Dan who told me, “I though you where coming tomorrow; grab a cup of coffee, I will be there in one and half hour”. I got my luggage and walked the airport looking for a place where I could get a late or a cappuccino. I saw a door open and a sign who said, Chapel. I though, hum I’m looking for coffee instead found a chapel, so I entered to pray. I was there less than five minutes when an airport employee, probably in his break, entered the room, set a mat on the floor and began to pray. A similar thing happened on my wait to Africa, three Jewish men were praying close to me as I waited for my flight from Dallas to New York . They read the scriptures while moving their body back and forth, not worried about those around them. Without doubt, their faith was not limited to a private place of worship, they had an integrated faith; a lesson to be learned and practiced. Jesus said in J...